Tuesday 26 April 2011

The weekend's is at end and I am almost Temasek

Ok ... I was hardly Temasek, now I am almost Temasek ... and hopefully someday soon someone is going to say Temasek, at last!!

But until then, I hope you had a wonderful long weekend. We certainly pottered ... and did nothing much else, apart from the odd woodland walk at Heide.

There is something magically Blyton-esque about the surrounds of the Heide Gallery. You almost feel like you could find a fairy ring and befriend a wiley Pixie or discover some water babies playing in the rushes ... or perhaps that is all in my head. If that is so, I mourn the loss of playful imagination. I am not wealthy enough to wish all of that away.

Anyhoo, we eschewed the dull matt tones of Albert Tucker and wandered amongst the young families enjoying the beautiful Autumn's day, gestalting ever so often (that would be you, Frau Ginger!), and carrying the tell tale brown paper bag of Cafe Vue's hamper.

We finished off our brisk walk with a Cafe Vue lunch box that was decidedly underwhelming, average coffee and a yummy chicken sandwhich led down by crumbly, almost stale, bread. This is what happens with expansion! It is an economic tennet that has yet to be disproven.

Cafe Vue Lunch box comprising goats cheese and croutons, hot dog, salt cod and barley salad and flourless chocolate cake

Back to the grind, mes ami!!


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